Thank you for choosing Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp. for your activity! Feel free to choose your: size: flavor and filling.
Bottom of the cake you can change it to the color you want, the color of the drip can be chosen between: solid color, gold, silver or rose gold, you can choose the color of your preference for the finish of the top part (spout color), sprinkles will adjust depending on the colors they choose. All our Fancy To Go include your “Happy Birthday” cake topper, you can choose the color of the cake topper you want.
All orders will be picked up at our Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp location. Pick up hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. @5:00 p.m. If the order is for Saturday or Sunday, the pickup time is 10:00 a.m. @ 12:00 p.m. It is important to note that you must be punctual when picking up your order at our facilities, especially on the weekend, since we will only deliver at the specific time you indicate.
When you are going to pay for the order, please enter the time and day that you will pick up your order in the customer notes area.
$62.06 – $108.07 (tax included)
¡Gracias por elegir a Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp. para tu actividad. Siéntete libre de escoger tu: tamaño, sabor y relleno!
Bottom of the cake you can change it to the color you want, the color of the drip can be chosen between: solid color, gold, silver or rose gold, you can choose the color of your preference for the finish of the top part (spout color), sprinkles will adjust depending on the colors they choose. All our Fancy To Go include your “Happy Birthday” cake topper, you can choose the color of the cake topper you want.
All orders will be picked up at our Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp location. Pick up hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. @5:00 p.m. If the order is for Saturday or Sunday, the pickup time is 10:00 a.m. @ 12:00 p.m. It is important to note that you must be punctual when picking up your order at our facilities, especially on the weekend, since we will only deliver at the specific time you indicate.
$62.06 – $108.07 (tax included)
Please read:
Order online and pick up at our store: Antonio R. Barcelo Edificio José «Piculín» Ortiz Rijos, Second Level, Suite 204 *search on Google Maps: Fancy Halo by Nixalee/ Fancy Halo Weddings
Our hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. @5:00 p.m. If the order is for Saturday or Sunday, the pickup time is 10:00 a.m. @ 12:00 p.m. Es importante que escoga su hora exacta de recogido ya que le entregaremos en dicha hora.
To ensure the stability and decoration of the cakes, keep them away from the sun and heat exposure. Please see our online care instructions or contact us for more details.
Allergy alert:
Please note that our products may contain these ingredients:
Milk, eggs, wheat, nuts and other ingredients that may cause allergies. Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp. is not responsible for any side effects after consumption. Please see our online allergy disclaimer. It is very important to choose the flavor well. We also have NUT FREE and VEGAN options.
Our vegan products are made with oat milk, soy milk or almond milk. They DO NOT contain products derived from animals such as: eggs, butter, milk or animal fats.
All sales are final - please see our store policy.
Allergy alert:
Our bakery offers products that may contain nuts, dried fruits, soy, dairy, eggs and wheat. While we take steps to minimize the risk of cross-contamination (cleaning, sanitizing, and separating preparation areas, cooking, and storage processes from baked goods made with these allergens), we cannot guarantee that any of our products are 100% safe for you. people's consumption. with allergies to nuts, soy, milk, eggs or wheat.
En Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp., hacemos todo lo posible para identificar ingredientes que puedan causar reacciones alérgicas en aquellas personas con alergias alimentarias. Contamos con políticas estrictas para evitar la contaminación cruzada. Sin embargo, siempre existe riesgo de contaminación (no podemos garantizar la ausencia total de estos alérgenos en los equipos compartidos donde se preparan, lavan y desinfectan los artículos). Para que esto sea una garantía, le recomendamos encarecidamente que busque nuestras opciones veganas. Los clientes preocupados por las alergias alimentarias deben ser conscientes de este riesgo.
Fancy Halo by Nixalee Corp. no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad por reacciones adversas a los alimentos consumidos o elementos con los que uno pueda entrar en contacto al comer nuestros productos.
Please contact us if you have any specific questions about our ingredients or food handling policies.
Thank you for taking me on this journey. Please read the following recommendations carefully, as I am delicate and need special treatment!
1.When you pick up your order, take the box securely from below.
2. Transport the cake on a flat surface. It is advisable to place it on the floor of the passenger area.
3. Transport in an air-conditioned vehicle.
4. Store the cake in the refrigerator until it is time to display it at your event.
5. Take it out 1 hour before serving and leave it in a cool place.
6. Avoid exposing it to high temperatures and high vibrations such as speakers.
7. Store the rest in a container and seal. Then place in the refrigerator.
Enjoy your cake!
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